Can You Dehydrate Jello / Gelatin?


“Jelly and custard again, nana?” Jello is a staple dessert of the Seebregts family, to the point that it’s become a running joke. Of course, that doesn’t stop us from chowing down; why should it? This is especially true with fruity-flavored jello. Well, haven’t you ever wondered if you could dehydrate jello? Yes, you can … Read more

So, Is Dehydrated Food Good for You?

apple slices loaded in the dehydrator

There are a lot of questions about dehydrated food. Is it safe? Is it healthy? Is it appropriate for long-term consumption? Though naturally dehydrated foods have been eaten around the world for ages, the proliferation of factory produced dehydrated provisions and homemade dried food for survival readiness has raised health questions among some homesteaders. So, … Read more

Dehydrating Honey Step by Step

dehydrated honey next to a pot of tea

I’d never really considered dehydrating honey on the homestead, however, the other day I was gifted a lot of honey and I really wanted to use the five-gallon buckets that it came in for another project on the homestead. So I did some research and came up with some ways to store the honey that … Read more

10 Foods to Never Dehydrate and Why

store-bought goat and cow milk and butter

Dehydrating food is a great way to preserve it for future weeks, months – perhaps years, depending on what exactly you’re preserving… I love dehydrating herbs in particular, as this makes it easy to store them for later use. Herbs definitely aren’t the only foods you can dehydrate, though. You can also dehydrate fruits, vegetables, … Read more

40 Foods You Can Make in Your Dehydrator

dried fruit in mason jars

If you’re a homesteader, preserving food is an absolutely essential skill. If you want to live a sustainable, low-cost lifestyle, you need to be able to optimize the foods you grow, harvest, hunt, forage or buy, so you have a healthy, low-cost supply on hand during cold weather, or during tough times when food is … Read more

How to Dehydrate Eggs Step by Step

dehydrated eggs ready for storage

Dehydrating is the most expensive way to preserve eggs, but only because the initial investment of a dehydrator will be anywhere from $65 to $175. We own three dehydrating machines now. We upgraded with each purchase, and have not been unhappy with any of the NESCO machines that we own. Having three functioning machines makes … Read more

Dehydrating Kale And Apples: Step By Step

drying kale and apples featured

If you haven’t made kale chips, or apple fruit leather, or apple chips, you’re really missing out! These dried foods are delicious, long-lasting, and very useful to have around the homestead. They are light and easy to pack if you’re going to be outdoors for a long time. Dried kale and apples are great snacks … Read more