12 Fruits That Are Single-Seeded

mango avocado peaches and nectarines next to their seeds

One of my very favorite things is fruit. No matter what you’re in the mood for, no matter what sort of sweet and delectable treat you are hankering for, there is some kind of fruit out there that will deliver. And I love what you can do with it, from eating them when perfectly ripe … Read more

How to Grow Gooseberries: a Complete Guide

Are you looking for a fruit bush that’s easy for beginners to grow? Gooseberry bushes grow well in most areas, and they’re self-pollinating, so you can plant just one. Learning how to grow gooseberries is excellent for beginners; they’re a forgiving plant. If you live in America, you might not know about gooseberries. They’re not … Read more

The Best Companion Plants for Strawberries

sparkle strawberries with fruit in raised bed

Growing strawberries gives you a beautiful supply of the fresh summer fruit right at your fingertips. Lovers of full sunshine, strawberries are relatively easy to grow in looser soils – in fact, they can be a little aggressive if you’re not careful. In this respect, when planting companions to strawberries, you have to consider both … Read more

Are Wild Strawberries Edible?

foraged wild strawberries in hand

I’ve always heard that wild strawberries were poisonous, so I’ve been telling my kids not to eat the ones we have growing in our yard. But then I read somewhere that they were actually delicious and safe… so which is it? Here’s what I’ve learned…