So, Do Cows Sleep Standing Up?

calf in snow

If you’ve ever noticed a herd of cows standing around in a field, or if you own cows yourself, you’ve probably seen something peculiar about them… Something you might even call a little bit creepy! Sometimes cows will stand there, perfectly still, with their eyes closed and heads sagging. They might even do it all … Read more

So, How Many Steaks Are In a Cow?

a cow on a green field next to cow manure

Steak is undoubtedly one of the most popular and delicious cuts of meat out there, and enjoyed all around the world in various preparations. There is hardly anything better if you ask me: a perfectly roasted, juicy steak with steamed veggies and a big baked potato. But have you ever wondered just how many steaks … Read more

18 Fun and Interesting Facts about Cows

two cows with cowbells

There’s an old proverb that says familiarity breeds contempt. I don’t know if it always breeds contempt, but familiarity can definitely breed apathy and a lack of appreciation. This is certainly true for our animals. Concerning our livestock, when you work with them day in and day out, or have your livelihood tied up in … Read more

So, Are Cows Friendly? Do They Play?


If you ever look at a herd of cows standing around out in the field, they usually look a little sad. They just stand around, chewing their cud. And of course, everybody knows how infamously grumpy bulls can be. But is it possible that cows can be happy, even friendly? And do cows play amongst … Read more

So, Can Cows See In The Dark?


One of the strangest things I remember growing up in the country, and one that I still think about all the time, is when I’d occasionally hear cows out in the field at night. They didn’t sound panicked, they didn’t sound stressed. But you could hear them mooing and moving around, and the gentle clank … Read more

How Fast Can a Cow Run

two cows with cowbells

It is really easy to think of cows as these plodding, huge brutes that sort of slouch from one place to the other. Every once in a while one of them will get startled and take off at a modest trot, bell tinkling musically. That is, it’s easy to think that until you make a … Read more

So, Do Female Cows Have Horns?

a cow on a green field next to cow manure

When you think of cows, it’s natural to imagine a female standing around sweetly, chewing her grass and generally enjoying life, but on the other hand we imagine bulls or big steers stomping and stamping swinging their horns and getting their way. Generally, most folks only think that male cows have horns, but is this … Read more

So, Can Cows Eat Alfalfa?


Most people think that cows eat only grass. And while this is true to a degree, anyone who has worked with cattle for any length of time knows that they have a varied if still strictly plant-based diet. But, cows are also ruminant animals, animals which are somewhat notorious for their highly sensitive digestive system. … Read more

So, Are Cows and Bulls Colorblind?


Have you ever stopped to watch your cows hanging out on your pasture? Does it ever look like they are gazing serenely towards the horizon? Maybe they are watching something very intently, altogether. You ever think that maybe they see the world the way we do, and even think about some of the things we … Read more

How Many Cows Per Acre For Your Homestead?


No matter what kind of livestock species you want to get, making sure you’ve got enough room on your homestead is absolutely critical. Overcrowding your animals is a good way to make their life a living hell, and yours also! But, naturally, you’re going to need a lot more room for larger animals… Cows are … Read more

158 Cute and Funny Cow Names

a cow on a green field next to cow manure

Every animal needs a name. Or at least all of the animals living on our homestead or farm need a name! This isn’t just for personality either: smart animals, like cows, can learn their names and might come when called. This can help them bond to you and even help you keep track of important … Read more

Can Cows Go Down Stairs? Are There Risks?


Cows are so big and so strong it seems like they can go anywhere they want. But this is only something you’d think at first glance. When you realize that cows are incredibly heavy, you notice that they tend to be surprisingly careful with their movements. They definitely aren’t the all-terrain machines that goats are, … Read more

So, How Much Does a Cow Cost?

a cow on a green field next to cow manure

For most homesteaders, keeping livestock is either part of the dream, or a necessity. Whether you like the idea of raising animals as a useful hobby or genuinely want to embark on a part or full-time business, there’s a lot to consider before you start making room for your new additions. If you were looking … Read more

Can Cows Swim if Need Be?

two cows with cowbells

When you look at some creatures, you know pretty much everything you need to know about where and how they live. You’d never think a fish could properly exist on land. An elephant won’t ever be found in the treetops. And you will never see a cow swimming around in the water. Or will you?… … Read more