The Top Canning Tools and Equipment You Need

canners and jars

Canning is a great way to preserve the foods you harvest, forage, hunt, or buy. Once you learn how to can, you will be able to keep your pantry stocked all year long. If you sell foods at a farmers’ market or run a community supported agriculture (CSA) program, foods like canned jams and pickles … Read more

24 DIY Solar Projects to Try on Weekends

a couple of solar panels

Solar power is of great benefit on a homestead – while it’s just plain better for the environment, it also saves a good bit of money and every homesteader wants to have a little more padding in their monthly budget. Some states will even pay you for the clean energy you produce, creating a passive … Read more

Canning Jar Sterilization Methods

four empty Ball canning jars

It is not always necessary to sterilize jars if you plan to process your recipe for more than 10 minutes for elevations of less than 1000 ft. If you live above the 1000ft elevation, you’ll need to add an extra minute to the process time, for each additional 1000ft of elevation. It is also not … Read more

What Rural Living is Really Like

children on small tractor

So, you’re tired of the hustle and bustle and high prices of city living, and considering a move to the country. Maybe you plan on planting a large garden, buying some livestock, and raising your own food. And those Mother Earth News articles about off-the-grid living have piqued your interest, too. Good for you! Moving … Read more

How to Grow Marigolds in Your Garden

growing marigolds cover

A gorgeous member of the daisy family, marigolds are herbaceous annual flowers that are easy to grow and even easier to enjoy. Marigold flowers were used by the ancient Romans to signify the start of the new moon cycle, and have historically been used in religious ceremonies as well as for culinary and commercial purposes. … Read more

How To Make a Fairy Dollhouse

I am incredibly excited to announce the launch of a new New Life on the Homestead series. This ongoing column is going to be solely devoted to the making of homemade toys and upcycled DIY toys, for the little loved ones in your life. Is there a difference between homemade toys and DIY toys? Oh, … Read more

Cranberry Walnut Conserve Step by Step

cranberry walnut conserve logo

Cranberry walnut conserve is easy to make at home and preserve for use over the next year. It is also impossible to find in stores. And as a homesteader, you’re all about making as many things by hand that you can and improving the life experiences your family and you have, right? Well, let’s look … Read more

How to Grow, Harvest, and Preserve Ornamental Gourds

how to grow ornamental gourds cover

While many novice gardeners or homesteaders may look at growing ornamental gourds as a daunting challenge, these delightful plants are actually quite easy–and enjoyable!–to grow. If you’re interested in growing enough of these colorful beauties to decorate the homestead with this fall, consider the following tips to maximize your harvest. What are these Ornamental Gourds? … Read more

Composting The Easy Way!

man unloading compost from pick-up truck with shovel

When it came to achieving “the perfect nitrogen to carbon ratio”, I was totally lost. Did it have to be so complicated? Actually, it doesn’t! Here’s all you need to know to start making your own ‘black gold’ in no time!