So, Can Chickens Eat Napier Grass?

Napier grass, also known colloquially as elephant grass, is a type of grass indigenous to Africa that is renowned for its immense height, easily topping 6 ft. This is certainly a novel characteristic, but Napier grass is a significant crop, used as both animal feed and as a natural component in pest control protocols. Interesting … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Nasturtiums?

broody hen and chickens inside small chicken run

Nasturtiums, also known as monks cress, is a beautiful and greatly beloved annual or perennial flower that is best known for its broad and brilliant almost fluorescent red-orange flowers. A distant relative of watercress, another distinctive feature is that the entirety of the plant is edible by humans and it has some interesting culinary uses. … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Radishes?

some chickens eating sliced radishes

It turns out that most root vegetables are safe and healthy for chickens to eat, but not all of them are, and it pays to be certain before feeding anything, even an all-natural veggie, to your chickens. How about radishes? Can chickens eat radishes? Yes, chickens can eat radishes. Every part of a radish is … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Popcorn?

just a chicken eating popcorn

If you own chickens, you know by now that they can and will try to eat pretty much everything they can reach. There is a lot that chickens can eat, but a long list of things they can’t, including a lot of junk food that people enjoy. But not all junk food, as it turns … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Quinoa?

two hens eating quinoa

As most of their owners already know, chickens are prolific eaters of grains and seeds. One of the most nutritious seeds around, and one of the most exotic if you live in the United States, is quinoa. Quinoa is renowned for its nutritional profile but is it safe for chickens? Can your chickens eat quinoa? … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Pine Needles?

chickens waiting for processing

Humans have had chickens domesticated for a long time. A very long time! But even so, when it comes to what can chickens eat, it seems there are still a few mysteries about their behavior that remain. For instance, some chicken owners report that their birds seem to enjoy munching away on pine needles. Many … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Thorns?

chickens waiting for processing

It rarely fails that when you check into a forum or social media group it is all about keeping chickens, either on a farm or as part of your homestead, you’ll see an owner posting about some outrageous thing that they cannot believe their chickens are eating. Surprisingly, there are some things that might be … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Beans?

three hens eating cooked beans

Chickens can eat all sorts of foods, including many plants, vegetables, and fruits. Though chickens can eat many of the same vegetables that people can, there are a few surprises that owners will need to be aware of. How about something like beans? Can chickens safely eat beans? Chickens can only safely eat beans that … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Rice?

a chicken eating uncooked rice

Out of all the foods you might give to your chickens, or any birds for that matter, rice is probably the most contentious. Plenty of people that you ask on the matter will swear that Rice will kill birds, usually by swelling up in their stomachs and bursting them. Scary stuff, but is it true? … Read more

Can Chickens Swim? What You Didn’t Know

chicken eating moss

There’s a lot of discussion about whether or not chickens can swim. Some people claim that they can’t, and will drown in short order. Maybe you have heard just the opposite, that they are adept in the water. Regardless of the rumor, people want to know if they should be worried about their chickens being … Read more

11 Broody Hen Breeds to Look For

a broody hen

It’s great to raise chickens, but if you have chickens that you keep for eggs, you have probably encountered a broody hen before. When a broody hen’s motherly instincts kick in she will stop laying and start sitting on her eggs with every intention of hatching them. Not only does she not want to give … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Clover?

a hen eating clover

If you give chickens half a chance to forage, you’ll notice that they readily explore their surrounding environment, picking and scratching in the dirt, in the grass, and at all sorts of plants looking for a bite to eat. You’ve probably noticed your chickens eating grass and bugs before, and also other things out of … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Swiss Chard?

Chickens love to eat all sorts of leafy vegetables. Lettuce, cabbage, and everything else that we enjoy in our salad bowl at the dinner table chickens generally love too. One superfood that is increasing in popularity these days is swiss chard. Can chickens eat swiss chard? Yes, chickens may eat all parts of swiss chard. … Read more

30 Cheap Chicken Feed Ideas for Your Girls

cheap chicken feed collage

Chickens are a common sight on farms and homesteads for their eggs and meat. Homesteaders who raise chickens know how important it is to keep their birds well-fed and healthy. They also know that store-bought chicken feed can sometimes be a tad on the pricey side. These pricier feeds might be good for your birds, … Read more