So, Can Chickens Eat Arugula?

a hen eating arugula

Chickens eat all kinds of leafy vegetables. From lettuce and cabbage to various types of grass, if you own chickens you know by now that they love snacking on the green stuff. However, there is one leafy vegetable that is renowned for its nutrition and is commonly used in salads: arugula. Can chickens eat arugula? … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Ferns?

two hens eating ferns

Chickens will eat just about anything, and that includes all kinds of plant matter. They will eat leaves, flowers, stems, roots, and all. But not all plants are healthy for chickens, or even safe, and knowing enough to keep your birds away from harmful plants is crucial. How about ferns? Can chickens eat ferns? Yes, … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Rabbit Pellets?

newly introduced chickens to the flock

It rarely fails that animals kept together, or even near each other, on a farm or working homestead will find a way to “share” food. Horses will eat goat feed, cows will swipe a bit of hay from the horses, and so on. But chickens, chickens are omnivores, and that means they can be some … Read more

So, What Human Food Can Chickens Eat?

chickens eating human foods collage

If you’re like most people, you probably think that the only thing chickens can eat is chicken feed. But that is not true. Chickens are actually omnivores and can eat a variety of foods, including many of the same foods that people can. It is nice to know that you can share some foods with … Read more

So… Can Chickens Really Fly?

chicken spreading wings

Chickens, despite being the most common domesticated birds found around the world, still have a few mysteries about them. Namely, there seems to be a considerable amount of disagreement concerning whether or not they can actually fly. Some keepers report that their birds never really leave the ground, while others have been surprised to find … Read more

How Far and How High Can Chickens Fly?

chicken spreading wings

Ask your average person whether or not chickens can fly, and they might show a moment of hesitation before answering. It seems that plenty of people think chickens are flightless, and those who do know that chickens can fly rarely think that they can fly well. This latter part, at least, is true: compared to … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Zinnias?

zinnias flowers

Most chicken owners who do any amount of gardening or landscaping around their homes have probably, at one time or another, discovered to their horror that chickens will happily eat ornamental flowers. They can’t help it, and it’s hard to stay mad at them, but that is cold comfort for all the wasted work. Knowing … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Marigolds?

chickens eating some marigolds

Chicken owners probably already know that their beloved birds can be pretty pesky if they are allowed to free-range. So many times chickens will happily pluck blooms off of our beautiful, decorative flowers and sometimes even nibble young plants all the way down to the ground. Sure, it’s annoying when it happens but it is … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Mint?

two chickens eating dried mint

If you own chickens, you probably already know that they like to nibble on all sorts of plants, including grasses, herbs, and everything in between. And naturally follows that you might wonder what sorts of herbs people enjoy that chickens can also enjoy. One of the most popular around the world is mint. Can chickens … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Mushrooms?

chicken eating a sliced mushroom

Chickens eat all sorts of things growing in the wild when left to their own devices. It makes sense, then, that their owners would try to replicate parts of their naturally occurring diet with supplemental items. How about mushrooms? Can chickens eat mushrooms? Yes, chickens can eat mushrooms assuming that they are not poisonous. However, … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Raspberries?

two hens enjoying some raspberries

Berries are one of the most delicious, diverse, and appealing fruits there are. The flavors, the colors, there is something for everyone. They are just wonderful. Chickens also love berries, but as it turns out there are quite a few berries out there that your chickens should not eat. How about raspberries? Can your chickens … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Peanut Butter?

a hen eating peanut butter

If most chicken owners are being honest, they will admit to periodically giving their birds a little nibble of something that they shouldn’t have, usually tasty junk food. But what might surprise you is that some things we consider junk food really aren’t, and can actually be good for your chickens in moderation. How about … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Quince?

newly introduced chickens to the flock

Chickens are enthusiastic and highly adaptable eaters, partaking in produce, both vegetable, and fruit, with equal enthusiasm. In fact, they can eat so many fruits they can sometimes surprise their owners by gobbling up a completely novel offering that they ordinarily wouldn’t have access to. Take quince for instance. Can chickens eat quince? Yes, chickens … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Lantana?

lantana flower

Depending on where you live, lantana is either a spectacularly gorgeous flower, or an invasive menace that no moral methods can seem to remove. There is little doubt that this flower seems to become successful, too successful, wherever it winds up planted but we are here to answer another question today. Chickens can eat some … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Maple Leaves?

mapple leaves

If you own chickens, you probably know by now that they eat all kinds of plant matter, including seeds, grass, fruits, and veggies. You might even see them swiping the green tops off of carrots or plucking a few delicate leaves from various shrubs! But how about maple leaves? Can your chickens safely eat maple … Read more