12 Fruits That Are Single-Seeded

One of my very favorite things is fruit. No matter what you’re in the mood for, no matter what sort of sweet and delectable treat you are hankering for, there is some kind of fruit out there that will deliver.

mango avocado peaches and nectarines next to their seeds

And I love what you can do with it, from eating them when perfectly ripe out of hand to using them in the most fantastic desserts.

But, all fruits contain seeds and that can make them pesky to prepare. Biting down on a seed can chip a tooth, and potentially ruin that beautiful dessert you prepared.

Luckily, there are quite a few fruits out there that have no seeds, or fruits that contain only a single, solitary seed you’ll need to deal with, making prep quick and easy whatever you are doing with it.

I’ll tell you about 12 such fruits below…

1. Apricots

Apricots are a type of single-seed fruit that belongs to the Rosaceae family, which also includes others you’ll see on this list. The fruit is small and round, with a velvety skin that ranges from yellow to creamy orange in color.

Apricots are a good source of vitamins A and C, fiber, and potassium, and their flesh is firm, juicy and sweet, with a mild, tangy bite that makes them a popular ingredient in desserts, jams, and other culinary creations.

The single seed, or pit, of the apricot is very hard and totally inedible, and care must be taken when consuming the fruit whole to avoid accidentally biting into it.

2. Nectarines

Nectarines, like apricots, are a single-seeded variety of fruit related to peaches. They look very similar in appearance and taste, but the key difference is that nectarines have a smooth skin while peaches are fuzzy.

Nectarines are also slightly sweeter than their fuzzy counterparts, but like peaches and nectarines, they feature one large seed in the center.

The sweet, juicy flesh can be used in all sorts of culinary delights from cobblers to jams, or simply eaten fresh out of hand for an amazing snack.

They are very sugary, but otherwise healthy, containing nutrients like vitamin A, C, fiber, and potassium.

peach and seed on a table

3. Peaches

Peaches are another fruit that belongs to the Rosaceae family, and they’re one of the most popular and beloved summer fruits enjoyed throughout North America.

They are a fixture used in baking, canning, and making jams and jellies. These fruits have fuzzy skin that ranges in color from pale yellow to deep, carmine red, and the incredibly juicy, sweet flesh can be eaten fresh or cooked.

The single seed, or pit, of the peach is large, craggy and again totally inedible. Peach pits are responsible for more than a few cracked teeth, so take care when preparing them!

Peaches are so sugary they border on syrupy, but they are nonetheless a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, and potassium.

4. Cherries

Cherries are delicious and versatile fruits that come in various colors and types, from light to near-black, sweet to tart.

Their firm, plump shape is instantly recognizable as they often grown in pairs, but each berry has a single seed.

An incredible addition to everything from pies and tarts to cocktail garnishes, these fruits are sought by nearly every living creature, and any gardener or farmer will tell you that it is a battle to keep them from being eaten by birds.

Cherries are high in vitamins and nutrients, making them a perfect snack or ingredient for seasonally-inspired recipes.

Whether it’s a classic cherry pie, a cherry salsa, or cherry-infused cocktails, there’s no shortage of delightful ways to enjoy this stunning single-seed fruit.

mango and seed on a table

5. Mangoes

Mangoes are a tropical single seed fruit that are prized around the globe for their exotic but versatile flavor and vibrant color.

But beyond being delicious, mangoes offer a wealth of nutritional benefits thanks to their high concentration of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber.

Mangoes have a unique anatomy compared to the other fruits on our list, and feature a single long, flat seed at the centre of the fruit that’s almost disc-shaped. It is so big there is no chance of missing it!

Mangoes are used in everything from smoothies to chutneys, making them a versatile ingredient in many different cuisines.

6. Plums

Plums are another single-seeded fruit that is related to the apricot family. They come in many varieties like black plums, red plums and greengage plums, which all have a similar shape and size – small and round or oblong – but different colors and flavors.

Plums are typically sweet and juicy, but can also be tart depending on the variety. They have a smooth skin and one central pit that contains the single seed.

Plums are very nutritious, containing vitamins A, C, E, minerals like iron and potassium as well as fiber. They can be eaten fresh or dried, and can also be used to make jams, jellies, pies and many other delicious treats.

7. Dates

A fruit celebrated since antiquity, dates have the widest possible range of flavors of any fruit on this list. They can be sweet, nutty, caramel-like, and even almost savory depending on the variety and degree of ripeness.

Dates are unique in that they grow in bunches with a single large, hard seed at the center of each fruit, which is easily felt due to its size and the pliable skin.

They contain high amounts of vitamins A and K as well as minerals like zinc and iron, making them a great energy-dense snack or addition to your favorite recipe. Dates are sometimes sold pitted, and other times not, so check before you bite into one!

8. Olives

Hold your horses, there: Yes, olives are botanically a fruit, and since they have only one seed inside they get a spot on this list. I make the rules here!

All kidding aside, olives are unique from the other fruits on this list in that they typically aren’t eaten until after being cured in brine or oil.

This process mellows out their sharp flavor and makes them more enjoyable to eat, but they are invariably used as a vegetable, culinarily since they are salty and savory.

Olives are high in monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, and antioxidants making them super heart-healthy food option.

Enjoy olives as part of your favorite Mediterranean dish or snack on them straight from the jar. Either way you’re getting great nutrition.

9. Avocados

Another controversial inclusion for some, but I’m sticking with it since the science is on my side. Avocado is a fruit, botanically speaking, that is as versatile as it is nutritious.

They are high in healthy fats, potassium, fiber, and many essential vitamins and minerals. The pear-shaped fruit has a unique pebbled skin that gives way to a buttery, velvety flesh concealing a huge, smooth round seed inside.

The seed of the avocado is quite large and takes up a significant portion of the fruit’s interior, and can easily be planted if you want your own avocado tree.

Commonly used as a savory ingredient, including in guacamole, salads, and even smoothies. With the rise of the avocado toast trend, this fruit has become a household staple in many kitchens.

So, next time you enjoy a creamy bowl of guac and chips, remind yourself that you are eating healthy!

almonds on almond tree starting to dry and husks opening
almonds on almond tree starting to dry and husks opening

10. Almonds

Another one! I swear I’m not trolling. What we call almonds are the seeds of fruits that come from the almond tree.

Though the almond tree produces a fleshy outer fruit, it’s the seed inside – what we call an almond nut that is edible.

Almonds themselves aren’t technically fruits at all, of course, but they are high in fiber, protein and many essential vitamins and minerals making them an incredibly nutritious source of food.

They can be enjoyed raw or toasted, as part of a trail mix or smoothie, or ground into flour for baking purposes. With so many uses and flavors available, almonds make a great addition to both sweet and savory dishes alike.

11. Lychees

A fruit most Westerners have never even heard of, let alone tasted, lychees are native to China where they’ve been cultivated for centuries.

These small and slightly sweet fruits are round in shape and have a rough, red-colored exterior with a white flesh inside that hides a large seed.

Lychees are high in vitamin C, fiber and other essential vitamins and minerals making them an incredibly nutritious fruit to enjoy as-is in addition to being a delicately sweet ingredient.

12. Longans

Longans are a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia and are closely related to lychees. In fact, they are sometimes referred to as “little brother” of the lychee.

With their thin, light brown shell, longans have a single hard seed at their center and offer sweet, juicy flesh that can be eaten raw or added to desserts.

They contain vitamin C and dietary fiber making them great snack food for those looking for something on the healthier side.

Longans can be found fresh in some specialty stores or frozen in most Asian supermarkets. Give this unique single-seed fruit a try if you are feeling adventurous.

single seeded fruits pinterest

1 thought on “12 Fruits That Are Single-Seeded”

  1. There is one type of cherry that is NOT a single seed. The Barbados Cherry. It has 3 seeds. Now it’s not in the “Cherry Family” but still it is listed under Cherry if you go to buy one.
    How does it taste? Take the most tart cherry you know…..now multiple that tartness by 5. Yeah, it’s tart.


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