45 Uses for Sawdust on the Homestead

starting a fire with a lighter and sawdust

Grandma was very frugal, and I recall one year asking her why she saved everything. She told me that everything should be repurposed on the homestead. Grandma had an entire shelf in the root cellar that was full of reusable containers and other things. One thing that grandma never threw away was sawdust. The fact … Read more

40 Ways to Use Lemons on the Homestead


Homesteaders have found many ways to use lemons on the homestead, whether it’s through the actual fruits, the essential oils, or preservation methods. More parts of the citrus fruits are wasted than used. For example, you might squeeze a slice of lemon into your water, then toss it out later. You eat the flesh of … Read more

How to Set Your Homesteading Goals

homesteading goals featured

So you’re finally on a homestead. You’re excited and overwhelmed and have no idea where to start. Setting homesteading goals is important, have you taken the time to set goals for your homestead? If you’re not setting goals, you’re likely wasting a lot of time and money. The first step to owning a homestead is … Read more

How to Make an Electric Fence Step by Step

electric fence system up close

At their best, electric fences are inexpensive, effective, and flexible. They can make permanent boundaries around or within a property. Electric fences can also be set up on a short-term basis to protect special crops or vulnerable animals, and they can also be used to create rotational grazing systems to maximize pasture yield. Fences work … Read more