50 Things to Teach Your Children About Bees

holding a super with honey and bees

Bees are one of the most vital creatures on our planet. Without bees one of every two to three morsels of food that we put into our mouths would simply not exist. Because of both the crucial role these tiny pollinators play in the food cycle and their dwindling numbers around the world, teaching children … Read more

18 Pros and 14 Cons of Raising Ducks

Pekin ducks on the homestead

There are pros and cons to raising any animal, ducks included. But, from my many years of personal experience, the pros far outweigh the cons when it comes to duck keeping. Ducks, like chickens, can be kept not only on spacious rural homesteads, but in suburban or urban areas as well. A small flock of … Read more

Should You Really Get Ducks?

Pekin ducks foraging

Buying ducks can be an exciting, rewarding, and fun experience. But, keeping ducks might just not be for everyone. While duck keeping may involve a bit more space than keeping chickens, these egg and poultry birds can be kept not just on large rural homesteads but in the small-town backyards, suburbia, and sometimes even by … Read more

How to Make Rosemary and Lemongrass Soap

rosemary and lemongrass DIY soap

Rosemary and lemon soap is not only good for your skin, but will help eliminate odors from your skin after working in the kitchen with onions, garlic, fish, and other odoronous foods. Lathering up with a natural homemade soap with these two sweet smelling ingredients can also help repel pesky insects. Making your own soap … Read more

How and Why to Grow Red Winter Wheat

mature red winter wheat

Growing red winter wheat does not require a large homestead with double digit acres of fields. Nope, you can grow this shelf-stable food in small patches or even in 5-gallon gardening containers. By cultivating your own wheat your are not only saving money by growing your own groceries, you also know exactly what is going … Read more

Is Feeding My Bees a Good Idea?

marshmallows next to beehive entrance

Whether or not to feed honeybees is almost always a hotly debated topic among keepers. Some beekeepers opt to feed their colonies year round, others are staunchly against such a practice and only feed as necessary during cold weather months. Regardless of what breed of honeybees you choose to keep, it is really the climate … Read more

How to Raise Happy Goats

four pygoras and two other goats free-ranging

Making the decision to officially become a goat farmer is an exciting moment for many homesteaders. A few seconds later reality sets in, and you have to actually get to work figuring out how to actually buy and raise the goat herd. Keeping goats, be they dairy, meat, fiber, or brush clearers is not rocket … Read more

20 Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow Indoors

3 pots of lavender on a windowsill

Cultivating medicinal herbs indoors increases the homegrown seasonings and herbal remedy ingredients available on the homestead year-round. Unlike traditional crops, herbs and medicinal flowering plants do not take up much space nor do they require deep soil to thrive. Windowsill herb gardens were once commonplace throughout America. Growing your own spices or even an aloe … Read more

How to Dry Flowers for Soapmaking

flowers pressed and dried (in microwave)

Making floral soap is a beautiful way to not only enhance the bar you are making visually, but also harnesses any herbal benefits the flowers, herb plants, or roots they may possess. The type of soap base you are using must be considered when collecting flowers to dry to suspend in a bar of soap. … Read more