So, Can Pigs Eat Celery?

One thing that most people know about pigs is that they have a huge appetite. We don’t use the expression “eating like a pig” for nothing!

pig eating sliced celery
a pig eating sliced celery

But what some people don’t know is just how varied the diet of a pig can be: Pigs can eat all sorts of foods, including a huge variety of vegetables, and many of them are the same ones that we eat.

How about celery? Can pigs eat it?

Yes, celery is completely safe for pigs to eat. Celery has a good assortment of vitamins and minerals that pigs need, and it’s also a hydrating food that can help them better deal with heat.

One of the biggest misconceptions that I’ve ever heard is that celery is the least nutritious vegetable out there. It’s just not true!

Celery is surprisingly healthy and, more importantly for some of us, pigs really do seem to like it. Fresh celery is crispy and crunchy and your pigs will be eager to get more anytime it is on the menu.

But there’s more you want to know about celery before you incorporate it into the diet of your herd, so keep reading and I’ll tell you all about it.

Do Pigs Like Celery?

Yes! I noticed most pigs really seem to love celery, from root to leaf.

Celery is moist, crispy, and crunchy, and it pairs well with so many other foods that you won’t struggle to find ways to incorporate it into your herd’s diet.

If you want to give it to them as a snack by itself, your pigs will still always look forward to getting it.

Is Celery Good for Pigs?

Yes, celery is very healthy for pigs! In fact, celery is a lot more nutritious than you might think, both for people or for pigs. Although it has very few calories, celery is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including a tremendous assortment of B complex vitamins like B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6 along with a good amount of vitamins A, C, E, and K.

Together, these vitamins support everything from a good metabolism to digestion, circulation and tissue health throughout the body.

But beyond the vitamins we see that celery also has impressive amounts of minerals, among them iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, copper and zinc along with just a little bit of sodium.

These minerals are vital to the overall health of pigs, and improve everything from circulation and bone growth to nervous system function.

And, as I mentioned above, celery contains tons of water… 95% to be exact.

That means your pigs will stay hydrated, or at least better hydrated, by eating it. This makes celery the perfect summer snack for your animals.

Is Raw Celery Okay for Pigs?

Yes, raw celery is completely fine for pigs. In fact, it’s the ideal way to feed it to them as it will have the best possible amount of nutrients. And you won’t have to do anything to prepare it!

Is Cooked Celery Okay for Pigs?

Yes, it is. Cooked celery is also completely safe for pigs, but there’s really no reason to cook it prior to feeding it to them.

Cooking celery can make it mushy, but more importantly, it will cause the veggie to lose its nutritional content, or at least most of it.

Is Celery Juice Okay for Pigs?

Yes, celery juice is fine for pigs but this is more of an academic bit of trivia than a practical concern: your pigs are entirely happy to eat raw celery by the cartload, so you don’t need to waste any effort or time juicing it in order to incorporate it into their diet.

Is Celery Harmful to Pigs in Any Way?

No, not by itself and not directly, assuming that your pigs are getting a varied diet and all of the other nutrients they need. I should mention also that they cannot subsist on a diet of celery alone.

However, there is one particular issue you should be aware of if you buy celery from grocery stores instead of growing your own: pretty much all commercial produce has pesticide residues and other chemicals, chemicals which can be very bad for pigs.

Sadly, celery is among the very most affected kinds of produce and typically has high levels of harmful chemicals.

If at all possible, you only want to feed your pigs certified organic celery that has not been treated with any such harmful chemicals, or give them stuff that you or a trusted provider have grown.

How Often Can Pigs Have Celery?

Pigs can have celery regularly, as often as every day, so long as it is part of a varied diet. Celery is extremely easy to digest, nutritious, and something that pigs generally enjoy so you can make it a constant component of their diet.

As a general rule of thumb, you can give an adult pig two or three stalks of celery daily and expect no ill effects, but do note that feeding pigs excessive amounts of moisture-rich foods, including celery, might cause indigestion or diarrhea.

What’s the Best Way to Give Pigs Celery?

Celery can be given to your pigs whole, split into stalks, or chopped and mixed in with other fruits and veggies. All these methods are viable, and remember that you don’t need to cook or otherwise prepare celery prior to giving it to your herd.

Can Piglets Have Celery, Too?

Yes, piglets can eat celery. Celery is as good for piglets as it is for adults, but you do want to make sure your piglets are ready to switch to solid food and wean off of milk before you introduce celery to their diet.

Also, I recommend you chop celery before giving it to piglets: the teeth of young piglets are not the same as those of adult pigs, so they might struggle to eat stringy celery.

This could increase the chance of choking somewhat, though it’s generally a minimal hazard.

Just a reminder: make sure your piglets are getting enough calories, and that all of their other nutritional goals are being met! They grow quickly, and need plenty of good food to support that, not just celery.

More Questions About Celery

Is Celery Good for Mini-Pigs?

Yes, celery is just fine for mini-pigs and it’s healthy for them the same as it is for all other breeds.

Is Celery Good for Kunekune Pigs?

Yes. Celery is just fine for Kunekune pigs. Healthy, tasty, and cheap. A great option!

Can Pigs Have Celery Salt?

No! Celery salt is made from ground celery seeds or sometimes the seeds and leaves mixed with common table salt. It is way too much salt for pigs to have.

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