So, How Long Does it Take for Carrots to Germinate?

Timing is everything when gardening. No matter what kind of garden you have and how it is set up, you’ve got to know how long it will take your plantings to germinate so you can plan effectively for their ongoing care.

St. Valery carrots in raised bed
St. Valery carrots in raised bed

Sitting and waiting leads to doubt, and doubt often leads to mistakes that can impair or kill your plants, and that will mean a lot of wasted time and effort. Today we’ll be looking at carrots.

How long does it take for carrots to germinate, usually?

Carrots will germinate in two to three weeks depending on the variety and soil conditions. Rich, moist soil in a warm climate will promote quicker germination than depleted soils in cooler environments.

Soils must be kept moist for carrots to germinate in any conditions. You may also see some variation in germination time depending on whether you are growing from seed or transplants.

This waiting game can cause consternation for gardeners, and sometimes it can be downright nerve wracking! Did you do everything right? Did you plant the seeds deep enough? Is the soil nutrient balanced?

It’s enough to make you sick, but don’t sweat it: I will tell you absolutely everything you need to know in order to give your carrots the very best chance to germinate.

I can’t help you with the patience, but I can help with the info.

What are the Ideal Conditions for Carrot Germination?

Carrot seeds require specific conditions to germinate successfully. By nailing factors like temperature, moisture levels, and so on you can help to ensure your carrots will germinate in a jiffy.

Soil Temperature

The ideal soil temperature for carrot seed germination is between 60 °F and 70 °F (15 °C and 21 °C). At this temperature, carrot seeds will germinate within 10 to 14 days.

If the soil is too cold, the seeds may not germinate at all, and if the soil is too warm, the seeds may rot.


Carrot seeds must be kept moist in order to germinate! This is the trickiest element to get right for most beginning growers.

It’s important to keep the soil evenly moist, but not saturated, the entire time after planting. Soggy soil may cause the seeds to rot.

Cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost or mulch to help keep the moisture in.


Carrot seeds do not require light to germinate. In fact, they may germinate better in the dark.

Of course, the plant will need plenty of light after it sprouts; no plant can carry out photosynthesis without light!

Planting Depth

Carrot seeds should be planted about 1/4 inch deep in the soil. Plant the seeds in rows about 12 inches (30 cm) apart. Overcrowding or planting too deeply can lead to slower seed germination times.

Also, clean, sifted soil is best: any obstacle or debris can stunt growth and will lead to deformed carrots.

Soil Type

Carrots prefer well-draining, sandy loam soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8, though up to 7.0 is still acceptable. So, neutral or only slightly acidic.

Soils should be nutrient rich, so consider testing and then treating with an organic fertilizer if needed.

Is it Possible to Speed Up Carrot Germination?

If you’re impatient or just missed your optimal planting window, it is possible to speed up carrots’ germination if you know a few tricks of the trade…

Soaking carrot seeds in water for a few hours before planting can help significantly soften the seed coat, making it easier for them to sprout after they’ve been planted.

You can also use a seed starter mix to help ensure that the soil has an even texture and enough moisture for sprouting.

It was mentioned above, but I am mentioning it again for emphasis: keep the soil moist! Most newbies to carrots mess this up and let the soil dry out too much.

Carrot seeds need consistent moisture to germinate. Keep the soil moist, but not soaking. Yes, carrots are highly fussy about water. Deal with it.

Also, take care to warm up the soil if you need to. Carrot seeds germinate best in warm soil, so try to keep the soil temperature above 60 °F (15 °C) and no higher than 75 °F (24 °C).

You can cover the planting area with a plastic sheet, use a ground blanket or use a heating mat to help keep the soil warm enough.

Once your carrot seedlings have emerged, thin them out as needed to ensure that they have enough space to grow.

Not all seedlings will make it or be worth saving, so do what you must to give the winners a good chance to survive. Overcrowding can lead to stunted growth and more misshapen carrots.

What are the Fastest Germinating Types of Carrots?

If you hate waiting on your carrots, I have good news for you. Several cultivars are known for properly speedy germination. Depending on your intentions, they might be just right for you.

You could consider the Paris Market, which is considered a heritage variety ideal for canning, or the Early Nantes, famous for reliably sprouting in about 2 weeks.

Other good choices include the Danvers Half Long, Scarlet Nantes, and Royal Chantenay. All of these are tried-and-true classics that still have a place in today’s gardens.

But by far the best of them all in terms of pure speed is the Little Fingers. These are small carrots, but they are rockets germinating as soon as one week after planting!

This is a variety so small they are ideal for container growing, meaning you could bring them inside to have even more control over their conditions, further ensuring rapid growth.

Consider Pre-germination if You’re Really in a Hurry

Pre-germination is a gardening method used to germinate seeds prior to planting. Sound paradoxical?

It isn’t: this method can accelerate the germination process and increase the success rate of seedlings.

To pre-germinate seeds, you typically soak them in water or in a wet paper towel or bag overnight until they just begin to sprout.

You can also place the seeds in a seed starter mix to stimulate germination. Once the seeds have started to sprout, you can then plant them in the soil or transplant the seedlings to their final location.

Pre-germination has several advantages for carrot gardeners. It saves time and effort by letting you plant only viable seeds and it can provide more control over the growing conditions of the seedlings (such as temperature and moisture levels) since this process is usually carried out indoors.

Why Won’t Your Carrot Seeds Germinate?

If your carrots just aren’t sprouting, there are several possible causes.

But before we get to them, go back and refer to the list of criteria above. Double check all of them: soil type, planting depth and temperature, moisture levels, etc.

In some cases, the carrot seeds may simply be too old to germinate. Carrot seed viability tends to decrease over time, often worse than other veggies, so replace your outdated batch with fresh ones if you can.

Also, consider that they seeds might have been tamped down too firmly even if they were planted at the right depth.

Hard-packed soil means that the tender, tiny sprouts might not have enough energy to pierce the surface. Remember what I said about sunlight? At that critical point, no sun means a dead seedling.

As always, you should look closely for the presence of pests and potentially diseases. Lots of critters like to munch on carrot seeds, so investigate for traces.

Also don’t rule out soil diseases that could be killing off your carrot seeds before they have a chance to sprout. Damping-off, a soil fungus, is an especially common one.

Leaf blight is better known for affecting the leaves of carrots, but it can start by attacking the seeds.

To prevent these problems, practice crop rotation so that you don’t keep planting carrots in the same soil year after year.

Lastly, understand that some seeds simply will not germinate successfully. They might be new, premium seeds and planted in literally ideal conditions, and they won’t germinate.

That’s just a fact of gardening. Accept it, move on, and try again.

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