So, Can Geese Eat Cucumbers?

Pretty much everyone knows that geese eat a diet mainly composed of greenery: grass, of course, but also leaves and other foliage, and even a few veggies now and then.

goose eating sliced apples

Though they don’t necessarily get many vegetables in the wild, geese can eat a wide variety of them, though not all. How about cucumbers? Can geese eat cucumbers?

Yes, geese can eat cucumbers and they are both a nutritious and hydrating snack. Cucumbers have lots of water, many vitamins including vitamin K, and a decent selection of minerals that they need including magnesium, potassium, and iron.

Also geese owners will be happy to know that most of them seem to really enjoy eating a crisp, fresh cucumber.

They make a great supplement to their usual diet both as an interesting treat for geese and also because they can help to beat back heat stress during the summer months.

Keep reading and I’ll tell you everything you need to know about feeding cucumbers to your flock…

Do Cucumbers Have Health Benefits for Geese?

Yes, they absolutely do. Although sometimes it derided as a vegetable that takes more calories to digest then it provides, this is just not true and cucumbers are surprisingly wholesome and healthy.

They are a very low-calorie food, so they aren’t great for giving geese energy but they do contain a ton of water for hydration and also a decent assortment of vitamins and minerals.

All together, these nutrients can improve many functions and tissues in a goose’s body.

Cucumbers can improve all sorts of cellular processes, help to balance metabolism, furnish electrolytes and improve the function of the kidneys and liver.

Other nutrients promote the absorption of iron and calcium which can simultaneously improve bone growth and healing, as well as the production of new red blood cells which can help circulatory health by increasing the oxygenation of the bloodstream.

Cucumbers are easy to digest, refreshing, and generally loved by geese, a great set of benefits for one veggie, and one that you can serve to them without any worries of excess calories or protein.

Nutrition Info for Cucumbers

Cucumbers are not the most nutritious vegetable around, but there are definitely more nutritious than typically thought and popular conception.

As mentioned above, they have next to no fat or protein, and very few carbohydrates.

They aren’t a great source of energy, but they do have a good selection of vitamins and minerals alike.

Looking at the vitamin content we see that most of the B complex ones are here, with pantothenic acid being the most abundant backed up by somewhat lesser amounts of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate.

We also have a little bit of vitamin C and a great amount of vitamin K.

The mineral content is likewise pretty varied, though there is no stellar standout micronutrient here.

We have calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, though none of them are truly abundant, but all are present in amounts that will benefit your birds.

Can Geese Eat Raw Cucumbers?

Yes, they can. Raw cucumbers are totally safe and edible for geese.

Raw cucumbers might need to be sliced or cut up for geese, but they also contain the most nutrition and will provide the most benefits to your flock.

Can Geese Eat Cucumber Skins?

Yes. Cucumber skins are safe and nutritious for geese, though the skins can be a little tough for geese to get through when they are whole.

But, so long as your geese are happy to eat them you should encourage them; cucumber skin contains some extra minerals which are beneficial for geese.

Can Geese Eat Cucumber Seeds?

Yes, they sure can. And the soft, tiny seeds are safe and nutritious. The seeds are entirely likely to be swallowed along with the cucumber flesh.

Can Geese Eat Pickles?

No! Pickles are not “just cucumbers.” Pickles are invariably soaked in super salty brine, which geese cannot safely consume.

We’ll talk more about the hazards of “people food” a little later, but pickles are directly dangerous to your geese because they can cause sodium poisoning or serious digestive trouble, including diarrhea.

Never, ever let your geese eat pickles!

Are Cooked Cucumbers Safe for Geese?

Yes, cooked cucumbers are safe for geese. But, there is no real reason to bother cooking them at all.

Cucumbers are already safe and easy for geese to eat raw, and cooked cucumbers will lose out on a lot of their already somewhat meager nutrition.

However, if you want to make cucumber even easier for them to eat or just happen to have some then lightly cooked, “cukes” are totally fine as well.

Can Goslings Eat Cucumbers Safely?

Yes, they can, though they should only get a few pieces here and there as a treat.

The issue with cucumbers for goslings is not that they are somehow harmful; it is that they are not as nutritious as they should be to help goslings grow up fast and strong.

Goslings that fill up on cucumbers will miss out on more nutritious, energy-rich foods that they need to be healthy.

Cucumbers, then, are a great occasional vegetable treat for goslings but they should be offered in moderation.

So long as you mind the portions your goslings will still love a few pieces of crisp, fresh cucumber.

How Frequently Can Geese Eat Cucumbers?

2 to 3 small servings per week. Geese love cucumbers and they are definitely a healthy part of their diet, but they are only that: a part.

Cucumbers are nowhere near nutritionally complete for geese, and they shouldn’t make up more than maybe 10% of your flock’s diet along with other supplemental veggies and other foods.

Your geese can enjoy cucumbers several times a week, but they will also need regular access to grass, grain and other produce as well, or a nutritionally well-rounded waterfowl or gamebird feed.

Preparing Cucumbers for Geese

It is a snap to prepare cucumbers for geese. If you have large and tough birds, they might be able to bite hunks off of whole cucumbers, in which case you can simply hand them over and watch your flock go to work on them.

Smaller birds and goslings, on the other hand, will need their cucumbers sliced into thin discs or small cubes so that they can better manage to nibble on them.

Consider this the best approach for picky eaters that you want to entice to eat the cucumbers, too.

Cucumber pieces or mashed cucumbers are also great for adding to mixed veggies and other foods for your flock if you want something more filling and nutritious than cucumbers alone.

Just remember that raw is best, and you don’t have to cook cukes to give them to your birds.

Don’t Give Cucumbers to Geese if They Have Any Bad Ingredients or Additives

Cucumbers make a regular appearance in salads and all sorts of mixed vegetable dishes, often seasoned and flavored with all sorts of oils, dressings and the like.

As delicious as these dishes can be, they are totally inappropriate for geese of any variety.

That’s because common ingredients like that have way too many calories and too much salt, among other stuff, is bad news for your geese.

Conditions like digestive upset, obesity or sodium poisoning can be serious health consequences, and should always be avoided.

Feed your birds cucumbers “as is” and skip the seasoning, sauces, or any other topping.

Never Give Geese Moldy or Spoiled Cucumbers

One last warning about cucumbers is actually applicable to all produce, and foods for geese in general: never feed them moldy, rotten, or otherwise spoiled food.

Always keep an eye out for bad cucumbers and veggies when preparing them for your flock.

Geese are quite vulnerable to the toxins produced by several kinds of common food mold, namely Aspergillus and all aflatoxins, so be sure to toss anything questionable in the trash.

In short, if you would not eat it yourself or serve it to your own family, don’t give it to geese; they aren’t garbage disposals for your old veggies!

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