So, Can Ducks Eat Blueberries?

a duck enjoying some blueberries

Compared to ducks living in the wild, our domestic ducks have it made in the shade. They get taken care of, they get protection, and of course, they get a wonderful diet of high-quality duck feed with fresh fruit thrown in from time to time Ducks can eat a lot of the same fruits that … Read more

Can Sheep Swim if They Need To?

a herd of Icelandic sheep

For some of us, we don’t have to worry about our animals going for a dip anytime soon. If there aren’t any water features nearby or we keep them properly contained and well away from them, there is no danger. But for others, there is a pond, river, or both on our property that our … Read more

So, Can Goats Eat Meat?

pygmy goat looking you in the eye

Goats have a reputation as being highly varied and enthusiastic eaters. The popular conception is that they can eat absolutely anything, from fruits and vegetables to old tin cans or boot leather with no ill effects. Although they might humorously be thought of as nature’s garbage disposal, the reality is far different, and goats have … Read more

So, Can Chickens Eat Goat Feed?

newly introduced chickens to the flock

As any chicken owner will tell you, chickens are omnivores, and also slightly notorious as relentless thieves of other animals’ food around the homestead. Much of the time this doesn’t cause any harm but it does beg the question if you can supplement your chickens’ diet with other types of animal feed. How about goats? … Read more

Rams vs. Sheep: What are the Differences?

ram vs sheep collage

If you’re new to livestock, keeping up with all of the lingo attended with the different species of animals can almost feel like you’re being forced to learn another language. Bulls and steers, heifers and cows, sows, pigs, boars, barrows, farrows, litters, and more. It’s enough to make your head spin! Of course, sheep have … Read more

18 Sheep Breeds that Have Horns

ouessant sheep

Not all sheep breeds are cute, woolly and cuddly. Some have horns just like their wild ancestors, and domestic sheep can use them for all of the same purposes! As a shepherd, you’ll want to be aware of which breeds will always have horns, and which might possibly grow horns- even in a polled breed. … Read more

So, What Part of the Pig Is Bacon?

man getting ready to butcher a pig

Ah, bacon. Is there any food more American, and more delicious than that? Crispy, savory, salty and absolutely alluring! There is no dish that cannot be made better by bacon. Even writing about it has set my mouth to watering… But as much as we all love bacon, and I know we do, have you … Read more

So, How Much Sun Do Peppers Need?

Every gardener knows that getting the best possible results from their plans is mostly a battle of making sure they get enough water, and get enough sun. Concerning sunlight, it’s always tricky because plants that get too much might end up suffering all the same. Today we are looking at peppers. How much sun do … Read more

So, What Are Sheep Good For?

chicken and sheep inside hoophouse

Have you ever wondered what sheep are really good for? Sure, everyone knows they are “the” source of wool, but is that all we keep sheep for? Seems like an awful lot of work and money spent to just make wool! There has to be more to these animals than meets the eye… So, what … Read more

So, Can Geese Eat Meat?

a goose eating bread

When you think about the diet of geese, not knowing any better you probably assume they eat nothing but plants. Grasses, maybe some lily pads and any other plants that grow in or near the water. You’d be pretty much right in that determination, but you might be surprised to learn that geese are, strictly … Read more

So, How Much Sun Does Kale Need?

Kale is a super hardy winter green

Whether you love it or hate it, there’s no denying that kale has become one of the most popular leafy vegetables in certain markets. It’s also increasingly popular with gardeners because it is a leafy vegetable that thrives in cooler weather, and can even grow through the winter. It sounds like a great option if … Read more

So, Can Geese Eat Popcorn?

a goose eating dandelions

It rarely fails that whatever kind of animal people are responsible for keeping, it won’t take long before they want to give some of their own food to the animals in their charge. Maybe it’s out of curiosity; maybe it is out of a misguided desire to share. It’s a nice sentiment, but most of … Read more