41 Things That Are Safe for Turkeys to Eat

poults (baby turkeys)

When it comes to poultry, turkeys are becoming increasingly popular on homesteads around the country. Aside from providing a mountain of delicious meat when harvested and really large eggs, turkeys provide other benefits in the form of guardianship over smaller bird species like chickens and ducks, and they can even keep the peace when roosters … Read more

So, Do Pigs Get Cold?

pig in front of its pen

When you imagine a tough, self-sufficient animal, what do you think of? If you said “pigs,” you and I are of the same mind. Pigs have always struck me as animals with incredible perseverance and hardiness. But, what you might not know is that pigs are actually pretty sensitive to their environment, specifically weather conditions. … Read more

Goat Breeding: Everything You Need to Know

goats playing in the barn

If you want to do anything with your goats besides keep a couple around as pets, you’ve got to understand breeding. Sometimes confusing, rarely straightforward, and occasionally harrowing, breeding any livestock is a skillset unto itself, and goats particularly have a reputation as being unruly when it comes to making babies. The bottom line is … Read more

20 Blue Chicken Breeds To Look Into

Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte Hen in snow

When you’ve kept chickens long enough, eventually chicken fever is going to strike. You’ll think about chickens all the time. You’ll see chickens everywhere. You won’t be happy with the mundane breeds that you already know. You want more chickens, better chickens, rarer chickens. And among all the breeds, some of the rarest individual birds … Read more

Can Pheasants and Chickens Mate?

chickens pheasants inbreeding featured image

If you’ve spent any amount of time looking into chickens, you probably already know there are a huge variety of domestic breeds out there. Over 400, in fact! But when you see all the different sizes, colors, body types, and behaviors it really makes for a remarkable variety among these common birds. But what you … Read more