16 Long Haired Rabbit Breeds to Consider

Whether you want rabbits as adorable and interesting pets or as productive animals for your homestead, there is no shortage of breeds to choose from…

Today, now, and more than ever before, even the most exotic breeds are known to America and within the reach of amateur and professional keepers.

Some of the coolest rabbits around actually happened to be the long-haired breeds.

With show-stopping good looks and abundant fur or hair that is fit for trimming and spinning into yarn or harvesting as whole pelts, it’s hard to go wrong with these fluffy bunnies.

Keep reading and I’ll tell you about 16 of the best long-haired breeds below…


Angora rabbits are probably the best-known long-haired breed out there, and are famous for supple, long fur that commands a high premium.

Aside from being important for bearing rabbits, they’re also popular in shows and have a reputation as being sweet-natured, calm pets.

Although they typically enjoy lots of room to move around outside of an enclosure, they tend not to be too hyperactive. And as you might expect, that luxuriously long coat needs tons of maintenance, so get your brush ready.

French Angora

Another Angora breed and one of the most well-regarded, the French Angora has the marked distinction of having short hair on its face, head, and ears (except for the very tips of its ears).

But they still require tons of brushing as expected with all long-hair rabbits, though they are less likely to become woolbound around their eyes and mouth. That’s definitely a win when it comes to upkeep.

Like all Angoras, they are sweet and friendly, and many owners report they are quite tolerant of handling after trust is established. Definitely one of the more distinctive Angora breeds and a perennial favorite of rabbit fanciers and competitors alike.

English Angora

The English Angora breed is somewhat smaller than the standard Angora but has a reputation for even denser and longer fur.

Also like the standard Angora, this makes their fur a premium commodity whether it is sold as pelts or shorn harmlessly for spinning into high-quality yarn that is greatly coveted by knitters and crocheters.

They also happen to be friendly and relatively calm, but they are a high-maintenance breed owing to that dense coat, so be prepared to brush them daily.

Satin Angora

Yet another Angora variety, and we aren’t finished yet! The satin Angora typically has slightly shorter hair than other Angora varieties, but it has a silky, shiny almost iridescent quality to it like the larger standard Satin bunny.

The special luster of their fur makes it somewhat easier to brush and care for compared to other Angora varieties.

Because they were originally bred specifically as pet rabbits you can also find them in a huge variety of colors and patterns…

Despite being destined for the pet market, the Satin Angora is a regular contestant in many rabbit shows thanks to its fabulous good looks.

Giant Angora

The Giant Angora tells you everything you need to know about it in the name: it is a gigantic variety, and an Angora. Simple as that.

That means you’re looking at a huge rabbit that can weigh more than 14 pounds and has an equally abundant coat of long hair! It is a whole lot of rabbit to love, but it’s also a heck of a lot of fur to take care of so you must stay on top of maintenance.

More so than other rabbits on our list, Giant Angoras need lots of food and proper nutrition to stay healthy, and also must be handled with care because they are physically quite powerful.

It is easy for them to kick out of your grip and fall (disastrous for rabbits owing to their fragile spines!) or hurt you if they get upset.

Giant French Angora

Yet another Angora breed and another giant. It really is all in the name with rabbits! The Giant French Angora is a giant variety of the standard French Angora.

You know what to expect: long, luxurious hair typical of the French Angora with a short, tidy face, head and ears. Like the standard breed, the Giant French Angora still usually has longer, wispy hairs growing on the very tips of the ears.

Like other giant breeds, they eat a ton and you’ll have even more fur to look forward to caring for. They’re also physically quite strong though still friendly and docile as long as they have a good upbringing.


Another fascinating and fabulous rabbit on our list, the Lionhead has a mane of fur circling its neck and the top of its head all the way down to its cheeks, making it look very much like a male lion at a glance.

Okay, much, much smaller and less deadly than a lion but you catch my drift! The rest of their fur tends to be a little coarse and rarely grows as long as this distinctive mane.

Lionheads are curious, energetic and active, and need plenty of exercise along with plenty of hair care, though in the latter case, they tend not to be as demanding as the Angora breeds.

Jersey Wooly

One of the coolest and cutest rabbits on our list, the Jersey Wooly is a little bitty rabbit with long hair that looks very much like an Angora.

They call them wooly for a reason, but what’s really interesting about the Jersey Wooly is its hair really doesn’t get matted. It’s true: this bunny is basically a tangle-free Angora!

Now, to be sure they still require plenty of brushing to look their best, but these energetic rabbits make wonderful pets and are especially great if you like the aesthetic but hate the upkeep of some of the other breeds we are featuring.

Mini Rex

The Mini Rex is a smaller variety of the standard Rex, and both are known for a dense, soft coat and also for athleticism and a muscular build.

Although most Mini Rex rabbits have a shorter coat, there are some long-haired varieties out there if you look hard enough.

Keep in mind: a Mini Rex needs lots of exercise and interaction, and that can make it even harder to keep that long coat in good shape!

Flemish Giant

The Flemish Giant is a truly immense breed, as they can clear 20 pounds! That is larger than a lot of dogs and pretty much every cat! These monster bunnies eat a ton of food, and long hair varieties will require daily brushing to keep all that hair straight and tangle-free.

Despite how big they are, they have a well-deserved reputation for being good-natured and very friendly with their owners so long as they are raised properly with plenty of interaction. If you want a jumbo long-hair rabbit, it doesn’t get any better than this…

Mini Lop

The Mini Lop is the smallest of the lop-eared breeds. They are so cute they basically look like a living, breathing stuffed animal. Now, not all Mini Lops are long hair, but there are plenty of long-haired varieties out there if desired. You might have to look a little harder to find one.

They make wonderful pets and are said to be inquisitive, friendly, and quick to bond with their owners. On thee other hand they’re surprisingly high-energy and require lots of interaction and exercise to remain healthy and prevent destructive fits due to boredom.

Also, check your cage or pen carefully: their bodies are much smaller than their fur would suggest, and they can easily pop between bars to escape!

Holland Lop

Another lop-eared breed, the Holland Lop is usually possessed of a short to medium coat, but long-haired varieties are out there, much like the Mini Lop. Another small breed, they have endearing, patient personalities which makes them a wonderful and beautiful pet, and these are much easier to care for compared to Angora breeds. If you want a super-attractive pet rabbit that loves interacting with you, the Holland Lop is one of the best around.

Cashmere Lop

The Cashmere Lop is another floppy-eared bunny that has an incredibly plush, medium to long coat. That’s how they got the name, of course.

They have a deserved reputation for being high maintenance because of this coat, but what most people don’t find out when they stop reading at that point is that they are also highly intelligent, extremely friendly and love physical contact with their owners as a rule.

If you want a long-haired and very literal cuddle bunny, the Cashmere Lop beats them all. Just make sure you keep that brush handy, yeah?

American Fuzzy Lop

The American Fuzzy Lop is a unique lop ear to breed that has a stocky build, and a uniquely frizzy, fuzzy coat.

Like pretty much every breed on this list, they’re known for intensive brushing and hygiene requirements, especially to prevent them from becoming woolbound, but they’re not known for being highly energetic.

They like to get out, roam, explore, and play but they don’t engage in intense exercise like some of the more athletic breeds featured here. A great choice for folks who want a lovely and calm companion rabbit.

Teddy Widder

The Teddy Widder is a unique small breed that has a long and bristly coat. Although still quite soft to the touch, they almost look like they’ve been affected by a permanent static charge.

This intriguing look combined with their floppy ears, round heads, and expressive eyes makes them incredibly cute and endearing.

They also have a famously good reputation for friendliness and gentleness, though as a rule they do not like being handled and become stressed easily when picked up.

So long as you’re okay with a little bit of gentle play time and plenty of petting, the Teddy Widder is a wonderful rabbit.

Belgian Hare

The Belgian Hare is a large breed of rabbit, yes rabbit, that only resembles wild hares, hence the name. Most have short fur, but like some of the other honorary inclusions on our list various long-haired strains out there.

The Belgian Hare is known to be calm, stoic, and somewhat standoffish, and also highly active, meaning it needs lots of room to maneuver when in a confined space and preferably lots of time outside the pen to exercise.

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