Goat Bloat: Quick Fixes and Prevention

It is one of the most dreaded things that every goat owner fears: bloat. Bloat is a dangerous condition that can affect goats of all ages where the rumen becomes bloated with trapped gas from the digestion of food.


This can happen for a variety of reasons, but in most cases, if the affected goat is unable to expel the trapped gas it will eventually die painfully from asphyxiation.

Bloat is a deadly serious condition, one that can strike with very little warning. If you want to save your goat you’ll need to act fast and know what to do.

In this article, we’ll cover what bloat is, the difference between common kinds of bloat, and ways to deal with it before your goat gives up the ghost.

We’ll also discuss how to prevent bloat so you hopefully won’t need this info ever again. Roll up your sleeves and let’s get to it.

What is Bloat?

Bloat, known more properly as ruminal tympani, is a condition that affects goats and other ruminant animals. It happens when the animal’s rumen, the largest of the four stomach chambers, becomes bloated with gas generated by the fermentation and digestion of food.

Normally released by belching, when the gas is trapped it can cause the rumen to expand and twist, painfully putting pressure on the diaphragm and making it difficult or impossible for the goat to breathe.

If left untreated, bloat will eventually kill the goat through asphyxiation or the rupturing of the rumen. In all cases, it is agonizing for the affected animal.

Symptoms of bloat include an enlarged, taut abdomen (especially firm near the spine), a lack of appetite, anxiety, restlessness, kicking at the belly, and eventually recumbency (lying down and being unable to stand up again).

If you see these symptoms in your goat it is important to act quickly as time is of the essence.

The Different Types and Causes of Bloat in Goats

There are three main types of bloat:

  • frothy bloat,
  • free-gas bloat (both this and frothy bloat affecting adults and adolescent goats with fully developed rumens),
  • and abomasal bloat which affects only kids

Each type has its own set of causes, but may require different treatments.

Frothy bloat is the most common type of bloat and is caused by the ingestion of too much lush, green pasture, or legume foliage like alfalfa. These plants are high in protein which is broken down into amino acids during digestion.

One of these amino acids, lysine, is converted into gas which builds up and causes the rumen to expand.

There is some evidence that frothy bloat can also be caused by drinking milk from goats that have been recently injected with hormones like estrogen or oxytocin.

Free-gas bloat is less common but just as deadly as frothy bloat. It happens when there is an accumulation of gas in the intestine that isn’t expelled through belching or flatulence.

This can be caused by a blockage in the intestine, a sudden change in diet, drinking dirty water, or eating too much grain.

Abomasal bloat only affects kids and is caused by an accumulation of gas in the abomasum, the fourth stomach chamber which isn’t fully developed in young goats.

This is often caused by an overgrowth of bacteria, and is commonly associated with feeding kids milk replacement instead of their mother’s milk. It can also sometimes be caused by parasites like coccidia or worms.

Now that you know what kinds of bloat can affect your goats, time to learn how to deal with it.

Quick Fixes for Bloat

The following methods are all viable treatments for bloat that you can administer yourself.

All can release the gas, providing goats fast relief and curing them of the issue. This is serious business: left untreated, bloat can easily kill a goat.

However, as always it is a good idea to call your vet at once if you suspect you are in over your head or if your intervention is unsuccessful.

A vet might be forced to make an incision directly in the rumen to vent the gasses in a hurry if other methods prove unsuccessful. Not something for the faint-hearted!

1. Massage

For free-gas bloat that is not too severe (yet) simply massaging the upper left side of the goat’s abdomen can help.

This will help to move the gas around and break up any pockets or blockages, allowing it to be expelled via normal belching.

Be gentle, as a severe case might be aggravated even by a gentle touch, but assuming your goat can still stand you should not worry too much.

This technique is not always successful in cases of severe free-gas bloat, and rarely helps at all with frothy bloat, but it is definitely the first thing you should try if you notice early signs of either type.

2. Walking

Walk it off! Another method that can help with free-gas bloat is walking the goat around. This also helps to move the gas around and break up any blockages, hopefully allowing it to be expelled.

Since goats might give up and lay down at the first sensation of discomfort, the bloat might get worse.

If the goat is too bloated or in too much pain to walk skip this method entirely and move on to more serious measures.

3. Stomach Tube

The stomach tube, literally insertion of a tube through the goat’s mouth and into the first chamber of the stomach, is your secret weapon for curing free-gas bloat and is helpful in curing frothy bloat.

Since it is so useful and versatile you will definitely want to learn how to handle one. These implements are freely available online, from vet supply stores, and at some well-equipped farm and livestock suppliers.

By inserting the tube into the trapped pocket of gas (in the case of free gas bloat) it provides an exit for it.

This releases some of the pressure on the stomach and if it does not solve the issue entirely makes it easier for the goat to burp and expel the rest of the gas.

In the case of frothy bloat, though the tube does not remove the foam which is the source of the issue it does allow the safe administration of other cures on the list. More on that in just a bit.

Now, the insertion of a stomach tube is a tricky thing. The goat is already in pain or extremely uncomfortable, and you are shoving a tube down its throat.

This is not a time for gentle coaxing, the goat must be restrained. There are various ways to do this but you will need help with this one.

4. Baking Soda and Water

This is a classic quick remedy for bloat. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda into some warm water and offer it to the goat. A large dropper or baster may be helpful.

The baking soda will help to break down the foam causing the frothy bloat and release any gasses trapped in case of free-gas bloat.

Depending on the severity of the bloat and the goat’s condition, they might be of the mind to drink or not. If they don’t, do not force the solution down their throat!

This can easily result in the aspiration of the baking soda and major problems in the aftermath.

If the goat just won’t drink, administration of the baking soda through stomach tubing is still an option as described above.

5. Mineral Oil

For dealing with frothy bloat, the first step is getting the stomach tube in place. The next step is to administer some mineral oil.

This will help to disrupt the foam and make it easier for the trapped gas to pass. Give 1-2 ounces of mineral oil to an adult goat.

Again, never, ever attempt to force the goat to drink the mineral oil or otherwise force it down its throat without the stomach tube in place. If the mineral oil gets into the goat’s lungs you are going to have major problems.

6. Poloxalene

Poloxalene is a surfactant that can be used to “drench” frothy bloat in the same manner as baking soda or mineral oil.

Administered through the stomach tube or fed orally (before bloat gets too bad) it is highly effective, most especially if given successfully prior to symptoms progressing.

Best of all, this stuff is available without a prescription, though it is significantly more expensive than mineral oil or baking soda and water solution.

Commonly encountered as the active ingredient in over-the-counter bloat remedies, if you want a proven solution for frothy bloat this is a good one to keep handy.

How to Prevent Bloat in Goats

You know the old aphorism: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That is double-true when it comes to bloat!

Some shepherds see bloat as a sort of mysterious blight that strikes without rhyme or reason. But in reality, it almost always occurs due to accidents, mismanagement, or lack of information.

The following procedures and tips will help you make bloat a thing of the past for your herd.

1. Minimize Sudden Alterations in Diet

A sudden change in diet, such as introducing new feed or hay, can cause bloat.

Goats are creatures of habit and they need time to slowly adjust to new foods. Sudden changes can lead to digestive upset and bloat.

2. Manage Clover and/or Alfalfa Consumption

Both of these foods contain high levels of sugars which can contribute to serious frothy bloat.

This can occur from fresh, live pasturage or as hay. They should be introduced slowly, as above, and fed in strict moderation.

Letting unaccustomed goats into an area with abundant alfalfa, unbeknownst to you, can spell certain death if they eat it to their heart’s content.

3. Avoid Grain Overload

A sudden influx of grain can also lead to frothy bloat. Be sure to slowly introduce grain into the diet and never let goats gorge themselves on it.

4. No Wet Grass

Believe it or not, consuming wet grass can also cause bloat. If the area where your goats graze is particularly wet, try to keep them off of it until it has had a chance to dry out some.

5. Feed Small Meals Often

A single large meal can be hard for a goat’s stomach to digest and can contribute to bloat.

It is better to feed several smaller meals throughout the day. This will also help reduce the likelihood of grain overload.

6. Be Mindful of Chunky Foods

Firm, “chunky” produce that goats enjoy like apples, carrots, and similar items can physically block or impede gas from escaping the digestive tract. If serving these items to goats, make sure they are cut up small!

Beat Bloat and Save Your Goats

Bloat is a serious condition that can kill your goats if not treated quickly and effectively.

Prevention is the best way to avoid this from happening, but knowing what to do when bloat does occur can mean the difference between life and death for your herd.

The tips and techniques detailed here will be helpful in keeping your goats healthy and free from bloat.

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28 thoughts on “Goat Bloat: Quick Fixes and Prevention”

  1. My Nubian Female went lame so I continued to feed Her then She started moaning, Believe it or not this one for three days in desperation
    I gave her Activa vanilla and in a few hour she relieved herself, big time
    I’m surprised She didn’t die, she is now on the road to recovery ?

  2. I’m sorry to read about this too. Those of us with animals all try so hard to keep them healthy but there are so many unexpected things that can happen. Another thanks for me for sharing what you learned.

  3. Kendra,
    I happened upon your website this morning while looking for a recipe for canning pimento peppers. What a great site! We are kindred spirits in so many ways … Christians, homeschoolers, homesteaders. Only I have you beat by about 30 years and am looking in the rear view mirror at many of the things you are doing today. Keep the faith!

    I read this entry with interest. I found one of my goats with a bloated stomach last night as I did the bedtime check. She didn’t seem in distress or pain, but I was concerned about the tight L-sided stomach. I hadn’t noticed her chewing cud lately either. I gave her 1/2 cup Canola oil (she’s a miniature) with a little grain. She lapped it up, to my surprise. She’s fine this morning, praise God. She didn’t get into the feed or rich pasture, so I’m not sure what caused it. Because of your entry, I plan to keep a closer eye on her today. I guess I wasn’t as aware of the danger of bloat as I need to be. So Smiley’s tragic story is already helping others take better care of their animals, starting with me.

    I plan to be a regular guest on your blog. Feel free to visit me at Uddermostfarm.blogspot.com

  4. So, so sorry for your loss. I couldn’t imagine losing one of ours. But the information is good to know. As well as some of the information in these comments.

  5. We are sorry to hear about smiley. YHVH gives and He takes away. Blessed be YHVH!
    I try and remind the children it is not a loss if we learn from it and with your case, share and in hopes to help another.
    (We just loss two hens the other day due to the heat. We then gave them a fan.)
    ♥ Kline family

  6. Yes as long as it has wormwood it should be working…just like people as long as you can keep them healthy and well nourished most ailments are fought off by our God given natural immunities…Once you start pouring antibiotics and poisons down their throat and kill that natural defense system it is much harder to keep them healthy. We use wormwood we also use ACV in their water and Diatomaceous earth mixed with the little bit of feed they do get(we don’t give more than a handful just enough to keep them coming back to us) and we feed them pumpkin in the fall which is a natural wormer…we also give milk to the chickens for wormer along with the ACV and pumpkin…(lactic acid helps flush out parasites)

  7. Farming is so stinking hard sometimes!!!! It’s the tough ones that survive though….you are tough…so hang in there.

  8. So sorry girl – I’m sure your heart is just achin’ for your poor little Smiley. I will say a prayer for you 🙂

  9. Sorry to read of your lose. May I suggest again to you that join Holistic-goats@yahoo.com ? Even if you are set up as no mail you can still search the archives and always post a quick message for help. I’ve learned so much from the group about raising goats naturally.

  10. Oh Kendra,
    That is so sad.We have never had a goat die of bloat(at least I do not think we have)but they have had complications after birthing a couple times and it is always so sad to lose a loved goat.So sorry for your loss.Is there a different place you can keep your grain?We always kept ours in a old van or someplace totally separated from our goats.Nikki

  11. Sorry to hear about your goat. I know it doesn’t make it easier but when I was young and my grandpa would lose a cow, he always would say, “better to have a death in the barn than in the house.” Kind of keeps things in perspective.

  12. Awwww I am so sorry. I have enjoyed reading the comments for some wisdom and knowledge. We just bought a 5 month old Kinder and a 5 month old Kinder/Nubian. We hope to milk them in a year or so after we get a buck and they kid.

  13. So sorry to hear about this.

    Losing a goat is so hard…..

    I am glad to have found your blog (I forget how…isn’t that funny) but I really enjoy it. (Especially the goat posts).

  14. So sorry to hear about your goat Kendra. I am sure you must be heart broken :(. My Kinder got bloat once but it wasn’t that bad I guess because she got better and I didn’t give her oil. I did stick my finger in her mouth to try and release some of the bloat and I messaged her belly a lot. It seems to help. Anyway, I hope the baby will be ok.

  15. Sorry that you lost another pet but thankful that you passed on the information to us. I am sure that your thoughtfulness in blogging about this will help someone else. Don’t lose heart, you will get many more joys than sadness from this country life. ~ CJ

  16. So sorry to hear about your goat. In the future always leave a bucket of baking soda with the goats it will help prevent bloat in the future. They will eat it if they need it just make sure it is where they can get to it and it stays dry and high enough up so they don’t poop in it. Goats are not that hard to keep. And all goat have some coccidia you just have to keep an eye on them if they get loaded you need to treat them. Healthy goats do not usually need constant treatment like some older goat keepers think. If you are going to treat chemically keep Albon on hand just in case but if you go the organic/holistic route wormwood is what you need to keep in the medicine chest…

  17. So sorry to hear about your sweet goat. Thanks for posting this info. We are planning to get goats really soon (in the process of putting up fence and building barn), so all this info is really helpful. You think you’re prepared for such as this, but I guess it just comes with the territory…farm animals die sometimes. We had the hardest time losing 2 chickens…I can’t imagine what it would be like with a goat…like you said…big fat bummer. So sorry :((


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