Weeding Carrots (Without Damaging Their Roots)

Carrots are a delicious and nutritious vegetable that can be grown in your garden. However, they can also be quite labor-intensive to weed.

Somewhere in all of this greenery are my carrots. They are actually looking really good, and the carrot tops are growing nice and tall. The problem that I’m having though, is with the weeds.

carrot plants growing in garden
carrot plants growing in garden among weeds

Weeds can be a gardener’s worst nightmare, but keeping your carrots weed-free is especially important. If you’re not sure how to weed carrots, don’t worry! These tips will help make the process a little bit easier.

I chose to fill my garden boxes with horse stable litter, ’cause it was free. Some of the manure was well rotted, some was a little more fresh.

But, horse manure is notorious for sprouting weeds when not fully composted… a fact I should have paid more attention to before using it. Now my carrots have been invaded with weeds, and I can’t pull them out.

See, the growing root of the carrot plant is very delicate. Any slight disruption to the plant could very easily uproot it. I’ve tried carefully pulling some of the weeds out, but inevitably some of the tender baby carrots came up as well.

So, these carrots are just gonna have to duke it out with the weeds. I really hope I am still able to harvest some nice sized carrots. Next time I plant carrots, I will definitely make sure to have weed-free soil!

Planting to Prevent Weeds in Carrots

The first thing you need to know about weeding carrots is that proper preparation is key. If you aren’t mindful about where you plant your carrots, you will have more trouble controlling weeds later on.

The best spot to plant carrots is in a sunny spot in the garden. Don’t bother starting your carrots indoors, as root crops like carrots don’t hold up well to transplanting.

You can plant carrots anytime from late April until early August in most climates. They take around 70 days to mature, depending on which variety you grow. If you plant late in the year, your carrots can take a frost, but you’ll just want to make sure you pull them before the ground freezes.

To help control weeds and to give your carrots the best shot at healthy growth, plant the seeds in deep, sandy loam. It should be well-draining.

If there are lots of rocks, take the time to remove these ahead of time. You don’t have to worry too much about fertilizing before you plant but adding some compost is a good idea.

Avoid fertilizing with nitrogen-heavy fertilizers, as these can cause lots of leafy growth at the expense of the roots. You should also avoid using fresh manure, as the bacteria can transfer to carrots. High-nitrogen fertilizers like manure can also cause the roots of your carrots to split and fork.

Smother Weed Seeds Before Planting

One of the biggest challenges you will face when planting carrot seeds is that the weeds often pop up before the carrots have had a chance to sprout. Because carrots take around 14 to 21 days to germinate, many weeds can come up before you even get the chance to see your carrot seedlings emerge.

Some of the most common weeds that you’ll find growing in your carrots are buckwheat, purple nutsedge, yellow nutsedge, mustards, common purslane, and other perennial grasses and annual grasses.

To get around this, you need to make sure your beds are as weed-free as possible before you plant. Put down a few inches of weed-free potting soil where your rows will go.

Thinly cover your seeds and keep them moist during germination – you can lay wide boards between your rows to keep weeds out and then remove the board as soon as your plants emerge.

This process is sometimes known as soil solarization, especially when a thick layer of black plastic is used to kill the weeds.

You might also mulch around your carrot rows. Mulching around the individual plants may not be possible, since the seedlings are initially so small, but mulching between the rows can be a helpful way to mark where you have carrots planted so you don’t accidentally pull them when you weed.

Ensure Proper Spacing

When you plant your carrots, make sure you space the seeds properly. This not only gives the roots room to develop but it also ensures adequate airflow.

Do your best to space your rows as evenly as you can. If your rows are not parallel, it will take longer to run a hoe in between them to quickly weed.

Spacing your carrots properly also creates an adequate canopy that can block weeds as the carrots grow in size. Plant several rows together and water them well, rather than planting single rows far apart.

There won’t be quite as much room to cultivate between these rows, but the carrots will take over some of the work for you.

Use a Cover Crop

Why not use a cover crop on your carrots? This is a great way to prepare your beds for planting. Using a cover crop not only helps to suppress weeds before they appear, but it also helps fertilize the soil by adding nutrients back in prior to planting.

Cover crops are also beneficial in that they protect the soil from erosion. When you grow a cover crop, you don’t have to worry about soil being washed away or blown off the beds.

Follow the Right Timing

Carrots germinate best in the early spring. Therefore, you can get rid of the bulk of the weeds by sowing carrots early. Sow your carrots as soon as the risk of frost has passed and you may be able to get ahead of most weeds.

Sow your carrots in early March if you want to harvest by June. If you’re worried about a late-season frost, as is common in many places, you can always cover your plants with row covers when the weather happens to change.

Plant Into Compost

Another way to reduce weed pressure is to plant into compost. Put a thick layer (three to five inches) of compost over your raised beds. Then, sow the carrot seeds directly into the compost. This will act as a mulch to block out the weeds.

You’ll need to keep the soil adequately saturated to make sure the carrots germinate. Some kinds of compost, particularly those with lots of brown matter, dry out easily – so you may need to water regularly in between.

Flame Weeding

Flame weeding – it sounds a bit extreme, but this is a great way to get rid of weeds around your carrots. If you don’t have time to deal with other methods of weeding your carrots, this is a fantastic option to try.

Essentially, you will just sow the carrot seeds and plant a patch of fast-maturing beet seeds at the end of the bed. As soon as the beet seeds germinate, you can flame weed – carrots take longer than beets to germinate, which is why this is such a great metric to use.

Use the flame weeder to kill the tiny seedlings. The carrots will come up in a nice, clean bed.

Flames won’t necessarily kill every single weed – some grasses can survive the flames – and you’ll need the beds to be level so the weeds can’t hide under dirt or mulch. Otherwise, this technique works fabulously.

Try Stale Seed Bedding

Another less-heard of strategy for controlling weeds around your carrots is to sow them in stale bedding.

Sounds simple enough, right? But what does this actually mean?

Creating stale bedding is the process of setting up a bed so it’s ready to plant, from the fertilizer to the watering, and then waiting to plant it.

You can use a flame weeder to sow the carrots into the weeds as they come up. Wait a few days, then flame weed so you kill the weeds but not the germinating carrots.

The goal here is to germinate and cultivate the weed seed (thereby getting rid of it) before the carrot seeds go in – and not after.

Tarp Carrots

Tarping a bed before you plant can also prepare the soil and get rid of weeds. Remember, weeds need light to germinate. If you tarp the soil, you might not get rid of everything, but you can get rid of the vast majority of the weeds.

You can even use boards to help keep the soil moist and make it easier for you to germinate your carrots.

You’ll be suffocating the weeds while germinating the carrots at the same time. Remove the cover before the seeds come up. You can use a row cover or a layer of compost mulch to hold in the warmth. Just remove the cover before the seeds come up.

Use Seed Tape

Some gardeners swear by using seed tape or pelleted seed. This will eliminate the need to thin your carrots, since they will already be perfectly spaced.

While seed tape is more expensive than bulk seed, you can always make your own seed tape by attaching seeds to a strip of paper.

Grow in Containers or Baskets

An easy way to keep weeds out of your carrots is to grow them not in beds, but in containers or baskets. In doing this, you won’t have to worry about weeds because you won’t be monitoring them in massive carrot fields.

Everything will be contained in a confined area so you can identify and pull weeds before they become problem weeds.

Weeds are far less likely to germinate in baskets or containers, anyway, making this a good option even for people with limited space.


Carefully weed each crop row on a regular basis. You don’t need to use herbicides on your carrots – in fact, the use of herbicides really isn’t recommended around edible plants like carrots, and many broadleaf weed species aren’t even affected by certain types of herbicides at all.

You can cultivate around your plants by hand, or you can opt for mechanical cultivation with a tractor or another mechanical weeder, like a torsion weeder. Whatever you choose to use, be consistent and weed as often as you can.

Provide Sufficient Watering

Last but not least, adequate moisture is another important variable when it comes to the health of your carrots – and how well they resist weeds.

Make sure you water thoroughly when your carrots are getting established. Regular irrigation, sometimes as often as twice per day at hotter times of the year, will ensure that your carrots develop fully and healthily – while outcompeting weeds at the same time.

Proper irrigation is also beneficial in that it can prevent root cracking, which often happens when watering is irregular or comes at excessively high volumes.

Kill Weeds to Help Your Carrots Thrive

If you want your carrots to grow healthy and strong, you need to get the weeds out. Cultivation is one of the best ways to do this, but you need to be careful that your weed management efforts don’t result in you accidentally pulling all of the carrots out of the ground!

Be careful working around your carrots as you pull the weeds. Make sure there is adequate soil moisture as you’re weeding so that they can be more easily removed.

Reducing weed competition will give your plants the room they need to thrive. It will allow them to get access to light, water, and nutrients.

Proper weeding can be a good weed management program and can also keep away many important pests, like the carrot rust fly. Getting rid of weeds will give you the optimal carrot production levels – and make it possible for you to grow the most gorgeous, weed-free garden yet.

Give these tips a try the next time you’re weeding carrots. You may be surprised at how much easier it is to get them all out when you use the right technique.

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9 thoughts on “Weeding Carrots (Without Damaging Their Roots)”

  1. One more thing I noticed is this year we used mushroom manure just because it was cheaper than sand and we don’t seem to have as much of a weed problem. In the past we have left the weeds go until the carrots were well rooted and decently sized but not big enough to pick yet, then we weeded. Worked well! Good luck!

  2. The trimming of weeds makes great sense and even though the roots will still be there, they will be less invasive to the carrots and the carrots will soon shade them out.

    As far as the soil being hard. I have heard that you should add sand to the spots where you’re going to plant carrots. I think if you add lots of organic matter…. not necessarily manure… more like grass clipping and leaves and dig them in deep this fall it will make a perfect soft bed for root veggies.

  3. I was going to suggest the same as Kim…just give ’em a nice little whack with the kitchen shears 🙂 Seems a tad tedious, but you’d have to be out there pulling anyway.

  4. the only time I tried to grow carrots, my ground was to hard and so they were shorter than they should have been, but mine didnt taste good. they werent sweet, they were kind of bitter or strong. I wonder if theres something I could have done to make them taste better?

  5. Last year I had the same problem. I used a pair of kitchen scissors and gave the weeds “trim” 🙂 Worked great actually. Cleaned my carrot patch right up and honestly lots of the weeks didn’t bounce back very well.


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