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Paper Bag Method – For 4 to 6 Medium to Large Tomatoes


  • Place four to six medium to large green tomatoes in a paper bag. I use sacks that are a little larger than a school lunch sack. If you have a fullsize store brown paper bag, you should be able to ripen up to 12 tomatoes inside.
  • Place 1 to 2 bananas inside - depending upon the size of the sack and the number of tomatoes. For the size of sack and number of tomatoes that I use, one banana should do the trick. Do not place too many tomatoes inside because doing so can bruise them and facilitate rot.
  • Roll the sack down tightly towards the tomatoes and tape or staple together to prevent it from opening back up and to decrease air flow.
  • Put the paper bag in a cool and slightly humid place for up to two weeks.
  • Check the progress of the ripening tomatoes every few days to ensure no rot is occurring and to see if the banana needs replaced with a fresh one.