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Acrylic Tile Garden Plant Markers


  • Paint brushes


  • Tiles
  • Acrylic Paint Outdoor paint will last longer, but isn’t necessary
  • Clear Acrylic Sealer Spray
  • Tile adhesive
  • Sticks or pieces of wood for stakes


  • Paint whatever you want to be on your tile plant markers using the acrylic paints. It may take a couple of coats. Allow the paint to dry overnight.
  • On a sunny day, take your painted plant markers outside where there will be adequate ventilation. Cover the surface of each tile with a thin layer of acrylic sealer. Allow it to thoroughly dry before adding three more layers of sealer. Don’t spray so much that it runs, just enough to coat, being sure to let it dry well between coats.
  • Using tile adhesive, attach the painted tiles to a stick or piece of wood to use as a stake. I just used some scrap pieces of wood leftover from another project. Let the glue dry overnight.
  • Stick your awesome new plant markers in your garden, step back and enjoy! These should last for several years before you will need to touch them up with another coat or two of acrylic sealer.