Top 12 Pig Breeds to Raise on Your Homestead

pig in front of its pen

Homesteading with pigs offers a plethora of delicious and money-saving possibilities. With proper shelter and sturdy fencing, pigs don’t require much space and can be raised even on small homesteads, and not merely on large rural farmland where I am blessed to live. Pigs (or hogs as we call them in my part of Appalachia) … Read more

45 Uses for Sawdust on the Homestead

starting a fire with a lighter and sawdust

Grandma was very frugal, and I recall one year asking her why she saved everything. She told me that everything should be repurposed on the homestead. Grandma had an entire shelf in the root cellar that was full of reusable containers and other things. One thing that grandma never threw away was sawdust. The fact … Read more

How to Make Natural Foaming Hand Soap

diy foaming hand soap

DIY foaming hand soap is simple and cheap to make – and your kids might just even wash their hands more diligently because they enjoy all of the little bubbles so much. To reduce your family’s exposure to plastic, and to the harsh chemicals it contains, you can buy nominally priced glass foaming soap dispensers … Read more

Drip Irrigation for Beginners

drip irrigation hoses leading to olive tree

Drip irrigation, sometimes called trickle irrigation, has become popular with many gardeners as an easy way to conserve water without sacrificing plant growth. Drip systems use less water than sprinkler systems and can also help prevent some plant diseases. How hard is it to install a drip irrigation system? The simple steps for installing a … Read more